Community & School Based Prevention Education
- “I am now more comfortable with confronting my feelings and working through them instead of pushing them down with substances or alcohol.”
To help prevent substance use problems before they begin, CoveCare Center provides prevention education to students in Putnam County schools and outreach to the public.
Putnam County and surrounding areas have suffered from alarming rates of alcohol use, as well as prescription drug and opioid use—and preventable overdoses—among young people in recent years.
As part of our mission to partner with the community, CoveCare Center offers prevention education in Putnam County schools. Students from elementary to high school receive evidence-based, age-appropriate lessons that help them develop the skills they need to live substance-free lives.
CoveCare Prevention Educators provide evidence-based curriculum in the classroom that build social-emotional awareness and coping skills to reduce problem behaviors with substance use, bullying and violence. Curriculums that are available include:
- Botvin’s LifeSkills Training (LST) is a comprehensive substance abuse prevention program that focuses on targeting the social and psychological factors that initiate risky behaviors rather than simply educating participants on the dangers of drug and alcohol use.
- Mendez Foundation’s Too Good Program focuses on substance use prevention, anger management, violence prevention, conflict resolution, peer relationships, character education, and developing respect for self and others. Lessons utilize puppets like "Carmen the Cool Cat" or include role play to develop skills for healthy decision-making and relationship-building.
- Committee for Children’s - Second Step is an early childhood system based on research and developmentally appropriate practice. Supported by music and videos, take-home activities, and stories, Second Step experiences help instill social-emotional skills in students.
These are universal interventions meant to be taught to entire classes with regularity and to completion. Depending on the program this can be 8-22 lessons. The push-in model can be very effective in implementing these programs with fidelity and have a lasting positive impact on the school.
Our Prevention Educators are trained in:
- SSET (Support for Students Exposed to Trauma). SSET is a series of ten, 1 hour, support groups that use a structured approach to reduce distress resulting from exposure to traumatic incidents. It includes a wide variety of skill-building techniques. This program was designed for use in middle school (ages 10–14).
- Teen Intervene - an evidence-based program designed as a screening, brief intervention, and referral model of care. It helps teens 12-19 learn new skills that promote healthier behaviors and allow them to take responsibility for self-change. The three sessions take place one-to-one with a Prevention Educator when a student exhibits mild to moderate problem behaviors around drugs and or alcohol. The sessions end with an optional parent meeting.
CoveCare Prevention Educators are available for student, parent, teacher and community presentations on topics related to decreasing risk factors and increasing protective factors of substance use. Presentations and workshops can be tailored to each group with targeted information and activities that offer relevant, timely support.
CoveCare Center’s Substance Use Treatment and Prevention program is fully licensed by the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS).